It was definitely good timing, the shutdown. DDTTRH took the Rock Hall out of it's name on 12/31/2015. Further, because of what was said about the Rock Hall by Duran Duran and because of the perceived level of disinterest from the fans...I am happy the petition ended when it did.
I don't blame the fans or the band in the avoidance of topics Rock Hall. Through this effort, I came face to face with prejudices, criticisms, and hate surrounding the topic. What started as the innocent desire to see my favorite band in a place where they could be honored for all time, later became an albatross from an episode of 'Whose Line is it Anyway' - where it just really didn't matter anymore. And I'm not saying that I still don't want to see them inducted into the Rock Hall - I ABSOLUTELY do. I just think the way I was approaching needed refining - hence our new name Duran Duran to Timeless Rock History (still @DDTTRH), but focused more now on raising awareness of the band and how they have made an impression on music, our culture and society.
This said, I do believe it's important to remember that among the 2.5M Duran Duran followers, there are at least 0.1% of us that are outspoken supporters of the band being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. My hope is that there are many more silent supporters out there, whose voices were not heard. I am delighted to say that through the early efforts of DDTTRH (when 'RH' meant something else), we were at least able to make some waves among the fan community and the press, while providing opportunity for open dialogue about the subject.
Special thanks go out to Christian Helwig, Kandice Purpura, Anitra DeLorenzo (LadyAslan), and Josie Beaudoin who were with me for the original adventures of DDTTRH when the petition was around. There's no way the effort could have made the kind of traction it did without them.
Now, enough of my bla bla bla. Time to get to some signatures. Of the 2318 that signed, 32 remained anonymous. Of those that did provide their name and country, the majority of the signatures came from the United States (61%), followed by the UK (7.6%), Italy (6.5%), Canada (3.9%), Argentina (2.9%), Brasil (2.3%) and Australia (2%). The rest of those who signed were where less than 2% were represented in the respective 60 other countries. Of those that did provide their names, 1265 did not write a message to go with it. 1021 left a message. In respect for the electronic reader, I will just share 10% of these below. And please don't feel badly if your name is not mentioned below. I will make sure all your names and messages are heard someway somehow in due time.
I was seriously touched and felt a sense of awe and gratitude as I read through these. It's truly amazing how many good feelings, emotions, frustrations, yearnings, flashbacks, childhood memories, and righteous anger were stirred.
Notorious-ly yours, Kirk, DDTTRH and DDWW
Signature#, Name, Country, Message
9, Jason Henry, Canada
Duran Duran have given me 30 years of great music and memories. The have inspired me as well as countless artists and continue to create some of the best music on the planet.
Duran Duran have given me 30 years of great music and memories. The have inspired me as well as countless artists and continue to create some of the best music on the planet.
20, Kitty Amsbry, United States
Duran Duran's contribution to both the history and future of rock music and the entire music industry is undeniable. They deserve this recognition and belong in the Rock Hall of Fame.
Duran Duran's contribution to both the history and future of rock music and the entire music industry is undeniable. They deserve this recognition and belong in the Rock Hall of Fame.
26, Neil Carlill, United States
As a collaborator and friend of Warren Cuccurullo former member of Duran Duran I support this petition...
As a collaborator and friend of Warren Cuccurullo former member of Duran Duran I support this petition...
33, Robert Sherer, United States
I even named my kids after them....
I even named my kids after them....
44, Nathan Stack, United States
The post-punk/new romantic era was an important period in pop music history, and Duran Duran was one of the most significant bands to emerge during that time. Obviously the band's contributions in terms of music videos and fashion are quite significant, and there's plenty of press and many awards documenting that. But at the end of the day, I think it comes down to the music. The band created -- and continues to create -- great songs and albums. Their sound defined the early '80s, but they've never been content to live in the past. I think it's also important to note that Duran Duran is and has always been a genuine functioning band. They write and perform their own music, and even though they've worked with some of the greatest producers in pop history, the drive behind the music has always come from within the band. They're not afraid to take risks, and the artistic payoff of those risks is evidenced in their albums.
The post-punk/new romantic era was an important period in pop music history, and Duran Duran was one of the most significant bands to emerge during that time. Obviously the band's contributions in terms of music videos and fashion are quite significant, and there's plenty of press and many awards documenting that. But at the end of the day, I think it comes down to the music. The band created -- and continues to create -- great songs and albums. Their sound defined the early '80s, but they've never been content to live in the past. I think it's also important to note that Duran Duran is and has always been a genuine functioning band. They write and perform their own music, and even though they've worked with some of the greatest producers in pop history, the drive behind the music has always come from within the band. They're not afraid to take risks, and the artistic payoff of those risks is evidenced in their albums.
62, Christian Helwig, United States
I understand the terms in which a nominee is selected. Although inductees voting/nominating new potential recipients doesn't always mean it's correct. Like you say everything IS subjective. But one fact remains. Over the paste few years, recent inductees do not have the influence, nor the impact in which Duran Duran has music as a whole. They pushed many boundaries their honored contemporaries haven't touched or can. Thanks you.
I understand the terms in which a nominee is selected. Although inductees voting/nominating new potential recipients doesn't always mean it's correct. Like you say everything IS subjective. But one fact remains. Over the paste few years, recent inductees do not have the influence, nor the impact in which Duran Duran has music as a whole. They pushed many boundaries their honored contemporaries haven't touched or can. Thanks you.
65, Claudia Parker, United States
Why the hell not? If ABBA and the Bee Gees can be there, surely Duran Duran deserves it. They inspired a lot of New Wave bands and clones were created after them. Their influence on popular culture is undeniable.
Why the hell not? If ABBA and the Bee Gees can be there, surely Duran Duran deserves it. They inspired a lot of New Wave bands and clones were created after them. Their influence on popular culture is undeniable.
72, Andrew Golub, United States
As a Duran Duran archivist, I am intimately familiar with the breadth and depth of the band's storied career. Whether breaking ground in music and technology, making an impact in multiple mediums, or influencing artists across generations, there are few pioneers like Duran Duran. Time-tested, critically-acclaimed, and beloved around the world, this band has secured their place in the annals of music history.
As a Duran Duran archivist, I am intimately familiar with the breadth and depth of the band's storied career. Whether breaking ground in music and technology, making an impact in multiple mediums, or influencing artists across generations, there are few pioneers like Duran Duran. Time-tested, critically-acclaimed, and beloved around the world, this band has secured their place in the annals of music history.
Having remained relevant over decades of constantly changing musical landscapes, it is time to recognize Duran Duran for the legends they are.
74, Jennine Goodman, United States
The album "RIO" is still as fresh sounding today as it was in 1983. They've also influenced a new generation of bands like the Killers and Franz Ferdinand. They deserve to be aknowledged for their innovative accomplishments in music and video after so many years of being written off by the critics as "contrived".
The album "RIO" is still as fresh sounding today as it was in 1983. They've also influenced a new generation of bands like the Killers and Franz Ferdinand. They deserve to be aknowledged for their innovative accomplishments in music and video after so many years of being written off by the critics as "contrived".
92, Dianne Davis, United States
Duran Duran are exciting, innovative and have never been afraid to push the envelope. They do things the way they want to do them and have never wavered from there vision. I hate to think what my life would be like without this amazing and influential group of musicians. Induct them NOW!! I have 'no doubt' you will have a line around the block of artists who would love to do the honors.
Duran Duran are exciting, innovative and have never been afraid to push the envelope. They do things the way they want to do them and have never wavered from there vision. I hate to think what my life would be like without this amazing and influential group of musicians. Induct them NOW!! I have 'no doubt' you will have a line around the block of artists who would love to do the honors.
100, Amy Nelson, United States
No other band has had the staying power, success, and influence these guys have had. They are absolutely legendary.
No other band has had the staying power, success, and influence these guys have had. They are absolutely legendary.
102, Jennifer Mahoney, United States
Duran Duran has been making great music and entertaining audiences for over 30 years. Their longevity and quality performances are proof that they deserve to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Duran Duran has been making great music and entertaining audiences for over 30 years. Their longevity and quality performances are proof that they deserve to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
104, Kathy Mullen, United States
I have been a fan of Duran Duran since 1982! They deserveto be recognized for almost 3 decades of great music!
I have been a fan of Duran Duran since 1982! They deserveto be recognized for almost 3 decades of great music!
106, Nikki G., Canada
Duran Duran deserves to be honoured in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. They have contributed to the music industry and helped shaped the music of their time. Duran Duran continue to evolve with the times, creating and recording relevant music. Along with musicians of the day who are openly communicating that they have been influenced by Duran Duran, a number of bands have done Duran Duran covers, namely, Goldfinger, Deftones, GOB, Hole and Jimmy Eat World, just to name a few.
Duran Duran deserves to be honoured in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. They have contributed to the music industry and helped shaped the music of their time. Duran Duran continue to evolve with the times, creating and recording relevant music. Along with musicians of the day who are openly communicating that they have been influenced by Duran Duran, a number of bands have done Duran Duran covers, namely, Goldfinger, Deftones, GOB, Hole and Jimmy Eat World, just to name a few.
Duran Duran continue to contribute to being productive members of society outside the music world, beit fashion, service, or technology. They have worked throughout the years and, like them or not, you KNOW them.
I support this cause, the band and its members. Duran Duran to the Rock Hall of Fame! #eLL YA!!"
107, Regina Hershberger, United States
Few new wave bands of the 80's have a following like Duran Duran still have today. Unfortunately it has never been deemed "cool" to like them. I have alway's stood proud to be a Duran Duran fan and if the Rock Hall doesn't induct them it's their loss.
Few new wave bands of the 80's have a following like Duran Duran still have today. Unfortunately it has never been deemed "cool" to like them. I have alway's stood proud to be a Duran Duran fan and if the Rock Hall doesn't induct them it's their loss.
108, Kelley Rogers, United States
Duran Duran's long history of musical firsts has made a point to master the tredsetting sounds we enjoy today. Their influence is legend among well recieved musicans and a myriad of fans around the world. They embrace music not only for the pleasure of sound but to continue to challenge the meaning of their souls and worship of their listeners. Love them or hate them, they deserve a place of prominence in THE Hall of Fame.
Duran Duran's long history of musical firsts has made a point to master the tredsetting sounds we enjoy today. Their influence is legend among well recieved musicans and a myriad of fans around the world. They embrace music not only for the pleasure of sound but to continue to challenge the meaning of their souls and worship of their listeners. Love them or hate them, they deserve a place of prominence in THE Hall of Fame.
111, Kandice M Purpura, United States
I have been a fan of Duran Duran my entire life. It's hard to put into words how I feel about their music. Duran Duran to me is timeless... they are constantly reinventing themselves and taking music to a different level. Its never the same music twice! Though I prefer their "80's" heyday, to the new stuff, I look forward to each and every new project that comes about. I can remember leaning against the TV as a very small child and crying over Nick Rhodes. He was my first crush! In elementary school, I used to carry their VHS "video collection", directed by Russell Mulcahy, everywhere I went. Over the years, I've seen them three different times. My first concert was the "Ultra Chrome, Latex and Steel" tour in 1997, then "Pop Trash" tour in 2000, and finally "Astronaut the Tour", in 2005.
I have been a fan of Duran Duran my entire life. It's hard to put into words how I feel about their music. Duran Duran to me is timeless... they are constantly reinventing themselves and taking music to a different level. Its never the same music twice! Though I prefer their "80's" heyday, to the new stuff, I look forward to each and every new project that comes about. I can remember leaning against the TV as a very small child and crying over Nick Rhodes. He was my first crush! In elementary school, I used to carry their VHS "video collection", directed by Russell Mulcahy, everywhere I went. Over the years, I've seen them three different times. My first concert was the "Ultra Chrome, Latex and Steel" tour in 1997, then "Pop Trash" tour in 2000, and finally "Astronaut the Tour", in 2005.
I love them so much, I decided to get a tattoo! When I was looking at designs for my tattoo, I noticed that a lot of fans had symbols from "Seven and the Ragged Tiger". I wanted to be a little different. Rio was my first album. My parents didn't get me their self-titled album until later on. Since "Rio" is arguably their most recognized cover, I decided to go with that. I took the drawing from their "Classic Albums: Rio" DVD, released in 2008."
114, Mindy Claggett, United States
To say that Duran Duran have left an indelible mark on the music world is an understatement. Their not being inducted into the Rock Hall of Fame yet is a travesty. Their musical peers respect them -- it's time the HOF did the same.
To say that Duran Duran have left an indelible mark on the music world is an understatement. Their not being inducted into the Rock Hall of Fame yet is a travesty. Their musical peers respect them -- it's time the HOF did the same.
122, Jen Bond, United States
I've been a fan since the first time I heard "hungry like the wolf" on the radio. They were my first concert and I've seen them many times since, not even sure how many times! They continue to put out new music and have influenced so many bands and artists that are popular today, not too many bands that were popular in the 80's can say that. They deserve this!
I've been a fan since the first time I heard "hungry like the wolf" on the radio. They were my first concert and I've seen them many times since, not even sure how many times! They continue to put out new music and have influenced so many bands and artists that are popular today, not too many bands that were popular in the 80's can say that. They deserve this!
135, Cindy MacDonald, United States
I fell in love with Duran Duran when I was 15 and they were my first Live concert experience. Now 30 years later they are still making music, what am I saying they never stopped. They pioneered video and still some of their earliest work rivals what is put out now. I am proud to be a fan of this band. They have all survived the rush of fame and have surfaced the wiser and more talented for it.
I fell in love with Duran Duran when I was 15 and they were my first Live concert experience. Now 30 years later they are still making music, what am I saying they never stopped. They pioneered video and still some of their earliest work rivals what is put out now. I am proud to be a fan of this band. They have all survived the rush of fame and have surfaced the wiser and more talented for it.
136, Chell Henson, United States
It is a criminal shame these over achievers in music have been overlooked in being inducted into the rock and roll hall-of-fame for too long now. They are true icons in their own right, have millions of faithful fans, and their music has inspired people over 3 decades now. Some of the bands that have already made it into the hall of fame cannot hold a candle to duran duran. Nor have many of them been as artistically unique and hard working in the industry as these guys have been. Most bands of many eras sounded so similar to one another over each decade, but when duran duran hit the airwaves they were refreshing, unique sounding and pure genius when it comes to an original sound all their own. They broke the mold by breaking out of the cookie cutter sound, most bands have in comparison to one another, and made their own style of sophistcation in their goal to stand out miles above the rest. So please re-consider your decision and let a well deserving and shamefully over looked band into the rock and roll hall of fame. It would only serve the institution well in doing this and giving the honor Duran Duran so richly deserves. If they are not inducted it just shows the lack of fair and good judgement on the part of all who are responsible for giving bands a spot in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Duran Duran can only bring to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame the elegance, class, unique style and musical genius duran duran possesses that can reach such a broad spectrum of people including the generations that will grow beyond ours, so they may also have the distinct pleasure to enjoy so much that Duran Duran have brought to the entire music industry. They deserve this so please lets us all continue Duran Durans legacy by giving them the honor and support of being in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Thank you for your time in reading this.
It is a criminal shame these over achievers in music have been overlooked in being inducted into the rock and roll hall-of-fame for too long now. They are true icons in their own right, have millions of faithful fans, and their music has inspired people over 3 decades now. Some of the bands that have already made it into the hall of fame cannot hold a candle to duran duran. Nor have many of them been as artistically unique and hard working in the industry as these guys have been. Most bands of many eras sounded so similar to one another over each decade, but when duran duran hit the airwaves they were refreshing, unique sounding and pure genius when it comes to an original sound all their own. They broke the mold by breaking out of the cookie cutter sound, most bands have in comparison to one another, and made their own style of sophistcation in their goal to stand out miles above the rest. So please re-consider your decision and let a well deserving and shamefully over looked band into the rock and roll hall of fame. It would only serve the institution well in doing this and giving the honor Duran Duran so richly deserves. If they are not inducted it just shows the lack of fair and good judgement on the part of all who are responsible for giving bands a spot in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Duran Duran can only bring to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame the elegance, class, unique style and musical genius duran duran possesses that can reach such a broad spectrum of people including the generations that will grow beyond ours, so they may also have the distinct pleasure to enjoy so much that Duran Duran have brought to the entire music industry. They deserve this so please lets us all continue Duran Durans legacy by giving them the honor and support of being in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Thank you for your time in reading this.
142, sil de Manrique, Argentina
yes, yes, YES; YES !!!!!!! Quiero a duran duran en el hall of fame !!!!! Gracias !!!!
yes, yes, YES; YES !!!!!!! Quiero a duran duran en el hall of fame !!!!! Gracias !!!!
155, Nabeel Shahid, United States
Duran Duran has contributed more to the progression of music than any other band. They were at the forefront of music video. They were the first band to have a downloadable song on the internet. And were also the first band to make a video entirely in Macromedia Flash. Plus the fact that they are still together making music after 30 years can not be ignored. It is time that Duran Duran get the recognition they so richly deserve.
Duran Duran has contributed more to the progression of music than any other band. They were at the forefront of music video. They were the first band to have a downloadable song on the internet. And were also the first band to make a video entirely in Macromedia Flash. Plus the fact that they are still together making music after 30 years can not be ignored. It is time that Duran Duran get the recognition they so richly deserve.
181, Austin holes, United States
Duran Duran really were a boost to the record industry in the 1980s and highly influential with bands like Korn and The Killers citing them as influence. Duran Duran also put MTV on the map by producing creative video content for them to play.
Duran Duran really were a boost to the record industry in the 1980s and highly influential with bands like Korn and The Killers citing them as influence. Duran Duran also put MTV on the map by producing creative video content for them to play.
188, Arti Loftus, United Kingdom
DD were THE Icons of the '80...the most underated and uncelebrated british band ever.
DD were THE Icons of the '80...the most underated and uncelebrated british band ever.
191, Joe Montoya, United States
Duran duran dominated the 80's with their music and style. they were pioneers of music videos and are still relevent 30 yrs later.
Duran duran dominated the 80's with their music and style. they were pioneers of music videos and are still relevent 30 yrs later.
192, Anitra DeLorenzo, United States
Duran Duran has had an incredible career that impacted the music industry along with the fashion and charitable interests~let's get them IN the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame~ xoxox
Duran Duran has had an incredible career that impacted the music industry along with the fashion and charitable interests~let's get them IN the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame~ xoxox
195, Arianna Silvestri, Italy
They remarkably influenced the music scene of the 80's and 90's bringing their contribution mixing style, music, glamour and fashion together. In the second millenium they are infact very actual and still ride the scene brilliantly. Electronics, pop-rock sound, their constant research for the new combined with their unique style give them a special allure. No other groups have seen such a varied career and this special sense of being always at the top.
They remarkably influenced the music scene of the 80's and 90's bringing their contribution mixing style, music, glamour and fashion together. In the second millenium they are infact very actual and still ride the scene brilliantly. Electronics, pop-rock sound, their constant research for the new combined with their unique style give them a special allure. No other groups have seen such a varied career and this special sense of being always at the top.
201, Sharita Lira, United States
DD Needs to be there! They have made a great contribution to music of all genres.
DD Needs to be there! They have made a great contribution to music of all genres.
218, Erika Fiore, Brazil
Duran duran has been a huge musical influence not only in me, but in many great artists all within the last 30 years. It is at least fair to include them.
Duran duran has been a huge musical influence not only in me, but in many great artists all within the last 30 years. It is at least fair to include them.
224, Maxine Hoyle, Australia
I believe Duran Duran deserve this award for all they have contributed to the music industry and for helping define a generation.
I believe Duran Duran deserve this award for all they have contributed to the music industry and for helping define a generation.
227, Paulo Cesar Tavares Labão, Brazil
It's already time to have them in Rock Hall of Fame. What else do they have to prove???
It's already time to have them in Rock Hall of Fame. What else do they have to prove???
246, Jeremy Thibodeau, Canada
Duran Duran inspired generations and pushed the limits for other bands and new music.
Duran Duran inspired generations and pushed the limits for other bands and new music.
250, Michele Mowery, United States
They have really worked very hard in their careers, and I think they deserve to be inducted to the Rock Hall because of this, their ambition, and their love of music and in creating some of the most beautiful music to date. Thank you!
They have really worked very hard in their careers, and I think they deserve to be inducted to the Rock Hall because of this, their ambition, and their love of music and in creating some of the most beautiful music to date. Thank you!
275, Christina Giatroutsikos, United States
Duran Duran will and always will be inspiration to many future bands. Their ability to create such wonderful music, that touches each and every fan is simply amazing. They are truly our Icon.
Duran Duran will and always will be inspiration to many future bands. Their ability to create such wonderful music, that touches each and every fan is simply amazing. They are truly our Icon.
283, Ippolita D'Orso, Italy
301, Jennifer Prunty, United States
I just recently visited the Rock hall and was appalled by not only the obvious exclusion of Duran Duran from their exhibits but ANYTHING to do with the 80's UK music scene. They had a small display of Joy Division/New Order and an Adam Ant 45 in a Punk display but that was it! I will not visit again until New Wave and the 80's UK scene get the respect they deserve.
I just recently visited the Rock hall and was appalled by not only the obvious exclusion of Duran Duran from their exhibits but ANYTHING to do with the 80's UK music scene. They had a small display of Joy Division/New Order and an Adam Ant 45 in a Punk display but that was it! I will not visit again until New Wave and the 80's UK scene get the respect they deserve.
303, Paul O'Brien, Ireland
I think Duran Duran should be in the hall of fame because there music is so underrated and gifted they should be up there with the best like Queen U2 David Bowie etc and another point is that they are four very talented musicians so i would appreciate if ye would consider them for this honour.
I think Duran Duran should be in the hall of fame because there music is so underrated and gifted they should be up there with the best like Queen U2 David Bowie etc and another point is that they are four very talented musicians so i would appreciate if ye would consider them for this honour.
304, Lara Welter, United States
They have made majorly influential music and have been eligible for many years now. Why would they NOT be in the hall of fame?
They have made majorly influential music and have been eligible for many years now. Why would they NOT be in the hall of fame?
315, Stacy Dowd-Adams, United States
Innovative + sexy = Duran Duran
Innovative + sexy = Duran Duran
318, David Bara, United States
The first day that MTV broadcast in my area, I watched for hours. Then, suddenly, a video appeared out of the aether that was different than anything seen heretofore by mankind. That Video was "Planet Earth". I was mezmerized. This was either the Coolest Band In The World, or the biggest set of freaks I had ever seen. I waited six hours for MTV to repeat the video, and on second viewing there was no doubt, this was The Coolest Band In The World[tm]. Thus began a 30-year odyssey of fashion, hairstyles, great music, concerts, and many trips around the globe to experience this band. Do they deserve it? They should have been in the first year they were eligible. Let's get on with it!
The first day that MTV broadcast in my area, I watched for hours. Then, suddenly, a video appeared out of the aether that was different than anything seen heretofore by mankind. That Video was "Planet Earth". I was mezmerized. This was either the Coolest Band In The World, or the biggest set of freaks I had ever seen. I waited six hours for MTV to repeat the video, and on second viewing there was no doubt, this was The Coolest Band In The World[tm]. Thus began a 30-year odyssey of fashion, hairstyles, great music, concerts, and many trips around the globe to experience this band. Do they deserve it? They should have been in the first year they were eligible. Let's get on with it!
341, Susan Miller, United States
Duran Duran have had a huge impact on music. They have written some amazing, truly unique music. They have earned this honor.
Duran Duran have had a huge impact on music. They have written some amazing, truly unique music. They have earned this honor.
344, Lori Leopard, United States
Agreed that Duran Duran's influence is seen more and more. They are still relevant and have stood the test of time. Their music was ahead of its time. That's why the old songs still sound as fresh today as their most current songs.
Agreed that Duran Duran's influence is seen more and more. They are still relevant and have stood the test of time. Their music was ahead of its time. That's why the old songs still sound as fresh today as their most current songs.
346, Manuela Salvade, Italy
Being a coma survivor, I HAD to sign this petition as a sign of gratitude for what their music was able to do on me.
Being a coma survivor, I HAD to sign this petition as a sign of gratitude for what their music was able to do on me.
I'd add they're pioneers in video music, in digital music, in fashion.
Their induction in the rock Hall of Fame would be the definite honor."
356, Rocio Mino, United States
This band is part of my life for 27 years , they deserve a recognition , my kids are the new duranie generation ! i love them ! long life to Duran Duran
This band is part of my life for 27 years , they deserve a recognition , my kids are the new duranie generation ! i love them ! long life to Duran Duran
361, David Hurley, United States
Duran Duran are the greatest band ever! I've been a fan since 1982. They are a great part of Rock History and have made a great impact on countless people and bands worldwide! Music would not be the same without their contribution!
362, Josie Beaudoin, United States
Duran Duran have shaped the face of music for over thirty years now. The effect they have had on the genre is so immense I think it is overlooked. We would like to bring them to your attention as not just deserving of this induction, but also long overdue for it. Your serious consideration of our petition is appreciated.
Duran Duran are the greatest band ever! I've been a fan since 1982. They are a great part of Rock History and have made a great impact on countless people and bands worldwide! Music would not be the same without their contribution!
362, Josie Beaudoin, United States
Duran Duran have shaped the face of music for over thirty years now. The effect they have had on the genre is so immense I think it is overlooked. We would like to bring them to your attention as not just deserving of this induction, but also long overdue for it. Your serious consideration of our petition is appreciated.
390, Massimiliano Ornano, Italy
I thought they were already in. Come on, they are a great band, musicians and song writers. They deserve a high award. Do the right thing!
I thought they were already in. Come on, they are a great band, musicians and song writers. They deserve a high award. Do the right thing!
395, Dennis Kelley II, United States
You let ABBA in the Rock Hall. Why isn't Duran in there?
You let ABBA in the Rock Hall. Why isn't Duran in there?
419, Lorraine Smith, United Kingdom
Duran Duran have nothing more to prove, their 30+ years staying power is testimony to this, they have proved the sceptics wrong again and again. There should be no question about them being included in the hall of fame. Listen to the people who matter not prejudiced music critics or music industry bods who only see £/$ signs and who have no idea how important durans music is to people in their every day lives.
Duran Duran have nothing more to prove, their 30+ years staying power is testimony to this, they have proved the sceptics wrong again and again. There should be no question about them being included in the hall of fame. Listen to the people who matter not prejudiced music critics or music industry bods who only see £/$ signs and who have no idea how important durans music is to people in their every day lives.
446, Gina Madden, United States
My first concert ever when I was 10 back in the Notorious era...they were awesome then and they are just as great now. They totally deserve it!!! They are so under-rated musically. Their best stuff is all B-sides...better than everything ever played on the radio.
My first concert ever when I was 10 back in the Notorious era...they were awesome then and they are just as great now. They totally deserve it!!! They are so under-rated musically. Their best stuff is all B-sides...better than everything ever played on the radio.
447, Heather deBruyn, United States
#446 Gina Madden,Virginia intruduced me into Duran Duran when I was 10 yrs. We went to concerts, watched old beta videos in her cousins room. I love them. The only cd's I have in my car are Duran Duran and 80's. I've now got my 8yr old and 4 yr old hooked.
#446 Gina Madden,Virginia intruduced me into Duran Duran when I was 10 yrs. We went to concerts, watched old beta videos in her cousins room. I love them. The only cd's I have in my car are Duran Duran and 80's. I've now got my 8yr old and 4 yr old hooked.
454, Meghan Munn, United States
Been into Duran Duran since I was 3yrs old and wanted to play keyboards like Nick Rhodes (still do!) Have one major undying near life long crush on John Taylor and had Simon Le Bon walk past me while he was leaving a Hilton hotel while on my way to a college class in 2005
Been into Duran Duran since I was 3yrs old and wanted to play keyboards like Nick Rhodes (still do!) Have one major undying near life long crush on John Taylor and had Simon Le Bon walk past me while he was leaving a Hilton hotel while on my way to a college class in 2005
481, Vanessa Bates, United Kingdom
As Nile Rodgers once said: "Duran Duran have gotten the short end of the stick", the music legend told me a couple of years back. "When we're all dead and gone, people are gonna look back and realize how amazing they were. Even the records I didn't do!"
As Nile Rodgers once said: "Duran Duran have gotten the short end of the stick", the music legend told me a couple of years back. "When we're all dead and gone, people are gonna look back and realize how amazing they were. Even the records I didn't do!"
495, Al Briggs, United States I want duran duran to be immortalized in the rock and roll hall of fame! they're awesome!
506, Vivian Beaudoin, United States
I encountered this band when my DAUGHTER was a teenager, and they got me rocking too. Solid, old fashioned rock and roll with some new twists. Their impact was significant in keeping solid ROCK popular.
514, Jayne Bowie, United Kingdom
Duran music makes you smile, makes you happy and they ROCK. A band I feel who don't get the recognition they deserve at times!!!
I encountered this band when my DAUGHTER was a teenager, and they got me rocking too. Solid, old fashioned rock and roll with some new twists. Their impact was significant in keeping solid ROCK popular.
514, Jayne Bowie, United Kingdom
Duran music makes you smile, makes you happy and they ROCK. A band I feel who don't get the recognition they deserve at times!!!
553, British Bells, United States
Totally support the Duranies!
Totally support the Duranies!
569, Emma Caulfield, United Kingdom Love
Duran Duran Forever <3 div="">
Duran Duran Forever <3 div="">
572, Tracy Patrick, United States
Duran Duran have had such an impact on music and the video generation since they broke into the US with a hysteria comparable to the Beatles...They deserve this recognition. I have been a faithful and unwavering fan since the age of 10 (I am 39 now) and will continue to support them for years to come!
Duran Duran have had such an impact on music and the video generation since they broke into the US with a hysteria comparable to the Beatles...They deserve this recognition. I have been a faithful and unwavering fan since the age of 10 (I am 39 now) and will continue to support them for years to come!
593, Johnny Rodriguez, United States
This is one of the most deserving bands in the world and they deserve the respect that they are due. The media has always shunned them for some reason and it has not been fair to the band. They among all groups in the Hall deserve to be in there
This is one of the most deserving bands in the world and they deserve the respect that they are due. The media has always shunned them for some reason and it has not been fair to the band. They among all groups in the Hall deserve to be in there
595, Anthony DeVito, United States
Duran Duran are a classic band who had a huge impact on the "MTV Generation" and beyond. They continue to tour and create relevant new music. They've influenced a generation of artists and they deserve to be inducted!
Duran Duran are a classic band who had a huge impact on the "MTV Generation" and beyond. They continue to tour and create relevant new music. They've influenced a generation of artists and they deserve to be inducted!
596, Diana Flynn-Lattime, United States
They have a star on the Walk of Fame. Their music is very unique and a great listen.
They have a star on the Walk of Fame. Their music is very unique and a great listen.
599, Ronald Campbell, United States
The longevity of Duran Duran speaks for itself when most bands from the 80's are long gone, i.e. one hit wonders. Not to mention the over 100 million albums sold. I have seen them live 3 times, once in the 1980's, 1990's and 2005 with the reunion tour. All 3 shows were great. These guys are more than pretty faces, former Tiger Beat cover stories and a former hair band...they are musicians. It is time to give them the respect they deserve for their decades of hard work,outstanding careers and contributions to the world of music.
The longevity of Duran Duran speaks for itself when most bands from the 80's are long gone, i.e. one hit wonders. Not to mention the over 100 million albums sold. I have seen them live 3 times, once in the 1980's, 1990's and 2005 with the reunion tour. All 3 shows were great. These guys are more than pretty faces, former Tiger Beat cover stories and a former hair band...they are musicians. It is time to give them the respect they deserve for their decades of hard work,outstanding careers and contributions to the world of music.
610, Roman Mihalik, Czech Republic
Duran Duran Forever
Duran Duran Forever
627, Amy Bapp, United States
What? They're not already in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? That's insane! Induct them NOW... it's way overdue!
What? They're not already in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? That's insane! Induct them NOW... it's way overdue!
641, Jay Schuck, United States
Duran Durandemonium was akin to Beatlemania back in the 1980s. This band is still recording and doing live shows. Of course they should be in the Rock Hall!
Duran Durandemonium was akin to Beatlemania back in the 1980s. This band is still recording and doing live shows. Of course they should be in the Rock Hall!
651, Rebecca Smith, Canada
Duran Duran deserve to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Their music and videos have inspired and influenced many artists.
Duran Duran deserve to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Their music and videos have inspired and influenced many artists.
655, Jaeann Stewart, United States
I love Duran Duran and have since I was 12. Their music has always been a source of happiness and joy in my life...and I am proud to admit that my 10 year old daughter loves their music too!!! Please induct one of the best bands ever into the Rock Hall of Fame-they totally deserve it!!!!
I love Duran Duran and have since I was 12. Their music has always been a source of happiness and joy in my life...and I am proud to admit that my 10 year old daughter loves their music too!!! Please induct one of the best bands ever into the Rock Hall of Fame-they totally deserve it!!!!
659, Jezabel Gonzalez, Mexico
Young Duran Duran Lover :P
Young Duran Duran Lover :P
668, Taylor Green, United States
Great band!! The biggest Duran Duran fan (raiderofthumbs via Twitter) influenced and informed me of this website. Thank for letting me know! Ill pass the word on!
Great band!! The biggest Duran Duran fan (raiderofthumbs via Twitter) influenced and informed me of this website. Thank for letting me know! Ill pass the word on!
684, David David, Italy DD 4 ever
703, Lisa Le Bon, United States WHAT?!?! Duran Duran isn't in the Rock Hall of Fame yet?
707, Rose Santos, Brazil Duran Duran merece!
720, Ron Shtigliz, Israel
i was shocked they were not there already
i was shocked they were not there already
727, Wilton Vargas, United States
Without a doubt, Duran Duran is not only a symbol of style and substance, it represents generations of rock music fans from all over the world. That to me is THE REASON for this band to be inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Without a doubt, Duran Duran is not only a symbol of style and substance, it represents generations of rock music fans from all over the world. That to me is THE REASON for this band to be inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
764, Flavia Holes, Argentina
Duran Duran has the hability to be always be the first band doing something new....The first unplugged, the first Video maker in an inexpected places, the first touring the hole northamerica in a bus playing city after city doesn't matter the amount of people living there, the first mixing mode with music plus I have to continue? My God, any person in any part of this PLANET EARTH will know that THEY deserve it! Already had a star but Hall of fame is more than a star in a street. In London, Gloria Stefan had a wax statue and they don't COME ON!!!! let get show to the world that DD rocks the "planet earth" since 1978
Duran Duran has the hability to be always be the first band doing something new....The first unplugged, the first Video maker in an inexpected places, the first touring the hole northamerica in a bus playing city after city doesn't matter the amount of people living there, the first mixing mode with music plus I have to continue? My God, any person in any part of this PLANET EARTH will know that THEY deserve it! Already had a star but Hall of fame is more than a star in a street. In London, Gloria Stefan had a wax statue and they don't COME ON!!!! let get show to the world that DD rocks the "planet earth" since 1978
769, Nile Rodgers, United States
Because of their powerful impact on rock and roll and pop culture!
Because of their powerful impact on rock and roll and pop culture!
789, Arnaud Guillard, France
they are just fabulous+++ love from FRANCE+++
they are just fabulous+++ love from FRANCE+++
792, Jp Sanders, United Kingdom
How can THE iconic band of the 80s not be in - the Hall Of Fame is the worse for not having them in and recognising their unique musical heritage.
How can THE iconic band of the 80s not be in - the Hall Of Fame is the worse for not having them in and recognising their unique musical heritage.
793, Demian Vela, United States
Do it already, seriously!
Do it already, seriously!
829, Marnie Evans, Australia
I can't believe that they're not there already!
I can't believe that they're not there already!
Duran Duran WERE 80s pop music!!!
In the words of Sir.P. McCartney: ""Let 'em in!!!"""
842, Jean Sanders, United States
Many current bands cite Duran Duran as an influence and their fan base crosses generations. they are also a band that does not disappoint when it comes to reaching out to their fans
Many current bands cite Duran Duran as an influence and their fan base crosses generations. they are also a band that does not disappoint when it comes to reaching out to their fans
849, Barbara Carmona, Argentina
Duran IS my life, completely. Thank to them I learned a lot about music, the good stuff and the bad stuff. They were (and still are) influential on a lot of bands, but most important, they influenced in my life. Since 1978, they're a great band- with their highs and lows-but they are still here, 32 years later, with still so much to give, to entertain, to make us laugh, cry and enjoy what good music is.
Duran IS my life, completely. Thank to them I learned a lot about music, the good stuff and the bad stuff. They were (and still are) influential on a lot of bands, but most important, they influenced in my life. Since 1978, they're a great band- with their highs and lows-but they are still here, 32 years later, with still so much to give, to entertain, to make us laugh, cry and enjoy what good music is.
857, Joyelle Sena, United States
Duran Duran deserve to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. They changed the face of music forever.
Duran Duran deserve to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. They changed the face of music forever.
858, Simon Grosvenor, United States
Duran Duran deserves to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. No other band defined the 80s as they did. They and the fans deserve this, so please see that this comes to fruition.
Duran Duran deserves to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. No other band defined the 80s as they did. They and the fans deserve this, so please see that this comes to fruition.
869, Danique McPherson, United States
Along with Japan they were the fathers of the New Wave, the Video Revolution, and the 80s most notable performance artists as well as pop art and fashion icons. Even David Bowie despite his level of influence could not claim to have more.
Along with Japan they were the fathers of the New Wave, the Video Revolution, and the 80s most notable performance artists as well as pop art and fashion icons. Even David Bowie despite his level of influence could not claim to have more.
876, Slavomir Kmec, Slovakia
Who else if not legendary DURAN DURAN. It's definitely the highest time for Duran Duran to be inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I believe the band deserves it more than any other act at the moment. Love and Peace!
Who else if not legendary DURAN DURAN. It's definitely the highest time for Duran Duran to be inducted in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I believe the band deserves it more than any other act at the moment. Love and Peace!
890, Diann Johns, United States
Duran Duran have endured through years of critical snobbery and indifference, yet their fans remain faithful. Their work is ethereal, enigmatic and artistic. They have never stopped working. They're been touted many times as having a comeback album, yet they have never stopped releasing material. They inspire me daily creatively and passionately.
Duran Duran have endured through years of critical snobbery and indifference, yet their fans remain faithful. Their work is ethereal, enigmatic and artistic. They have never stopped working. They're been touted many times as having a comeback album, yet they have never stopped releasing material. They inspire me daily creatively and passionately.
932, PP VV, Netherlands
They are Notorious > get them in there NOW
They are Notorious > get them in there NOW
954, Pranav Chandrasekhar, United States
Duran Duran are pop/rock music innovators on multiple dimensions. They changed the world of music video with location shoots in Sri Lanka. They created rock music for the dancefloor - a supremely novel idea at the time it emerged. They continue to make music that will endure and it has already been 30 years. They deserve their due. They have earned it.
Duran Duran are pop/rock music innovators on multiple dimensions. They changed the world of music video with location shoots in Sri Lanka. They created rock music for the dancefloor - a supremely novel idea at the time it emerged. They continue to make music that will endure and it has already been 30 years. They deserve their due. They have earned it.
963, WIlliam Borgnine, United States
This band is very talented. They don't get the recognition they deserve because they have a huge female fan base. I am a straight man that loves their music! Close your eyes and just LISTEN!
This band is very talented. They don't get the recognition they deserve because they have a huge female fan base. I am a straight man that loves their music! Close your eyes and just LISTEN!
1020, Leigh Holleman, United States
As a former Clevelander and Duran Duran fan since 1983 I absolutely know that they belong in the Rock and roll Hall of Fame!!!
As a former Clevelander and Duran Duran fan since 1983 I absolutely know that they belong in the Rock and roll Hall of Fame!!!
1039, Richard Hooper, United States
Duran Duran continue to be a great inspiration in my life personally and creatively. As an artist and a writer myself I have been greatly inspired by the whole career of Nick Rhodes, Simon Le Bon and the rest of DD. A group of young men from Bermingham UK who wanted to be rock stars, took their talent and became much more than that. The had the fortitude to live their dream and inspire others do the same. The guys are a great live band and a major contributing creative force to popular music and art in general, and they just simply know how to rock too!!!!!!!
Duran Duran continue to be a great inspiration in my life personally and creatively. As an artist and a writer myself I have been greatly inspired by the whole career of Nick Rhodes, Simon Le Bon and the rest of DD. A group of young men from Bermingham UK who wanted to be rock stars, took their talent and became much more than that. The had the fortitude to live their dream and inspire others do the same. The guys are a great live band and a major contributing creative force to popular music and art in general, and they just simply know how to rock too!!!!!!!
1121, Silvana Andrea Ferrandu, Argentina
I love you Duran Duran !!! :))) Silvana Taylor
I love you Duran Duran !!! :))) Silvana Taylor
1135, Kendra Campbell, Canada
Duran Duran has carried me through most of my life. They are an exceptional band, with exceptional talents. They still to this day bring joy to old fans and new fans alike. This is an honor they truly deserve.
Duran Duran has carried me through most of my life. They are an exceptional band, with exceptional talents. They still to this day bring joy to old fans and new fans alike. This is an honor they truly deserve.
1137, Charlene Scheck, United States
1197, Jennifer Mayberry, United States
Duran Duran developed a unique sound that has captivated fans for over 30 years. Pioneers of an era, there music has stood the test of time and has been emulated by the next generation. In addition they are a band that loves and thrives at playing live. I love them more than I can say and they are my favorite group. Please add them.
1206, ARTURO SILVA, Mexico
1245, Sandra Schriefer, United States
How can Toni Basil be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame when the only song to her credit is, "Hey Mickey," when Duran Duran have been turning out hits for more than thirty years!
How can Toni Basil be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame when the only song to her credit is, "Hey Mickey," when Duran Duran have been turning out hits for more than thirty years!
1249, Susan Cooper, United States
Puh-leeze! They ARE the 80's! 80's new wave version of the Beatles.
Puh-leeze! They ARE the 80's! 80's new wave version of the Beatles.
1292, Cathy Conti, United States
Been a proud fan of Duran Duran since 1981. Been with the through the thick of it all and I am as much a fan today as I was back then. Simply amazing!
Been a proud fan of Duran Duran since 1981. Been with the through the thick of it all and I am as much a fan today as I was back then. Simply amazing!
1298, Barbara Brewer, United States
Rediscovering them years later. Still makes me smile.
Rediscovering them years later. Still makes me smile.
1303, Jamie Bates, United States
They have Nick Rhodes Old clothes in the rock in roll hall of fame but not his band Come On Let them In they have been a part of the music history.
1331, Chris Maunder, United States
They have Nick Rhodes Old clothes in the rock in roll hall of fame but not his band Come On Let them In they have been a part of the music history.
1331, Chris Maunder, United States
This is a no brainer, they have music for any mood
1364, Ruzica Pejovik, Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of
Nick Rhodes rules!
1393, Shonda Dudlicek, United States
I just visited the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and was stunned to see that my favorite group has yet again been passed over. It's time for Duran Duran to be inducted, period!
I just visited the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and was stunned to see that my favorite group has yet again been passed over. It's time for Duran Duran to be inducted, period!
1405, Jonathan Boyd, United States
Sales and Influence say this band deserves to be enshrined-- not to mention revolutionizing music video and Mtv.
1408, Gert Vasak, Austria
Sales and Influence say this band deserves to be enshrined-- not to mention revolutionizing music video and Mtv.
1408, Gert Vasak, Austria
They made music history, they inspired so many bands - they have to be inducted!!!!
1436, Erica Aguirre, United States
My older sister popped in a VHS cassette to the VCR in my parents bedroom. I sat with her awaiting for something to appear on the 19-inch tv screen. A Woody Wood Pecker cartoon, perhaps? Was it ET again? Then, there it appeared, without sound. A smile so perfect with red lips. Eyes, alluring. The face of a woman, her head tilted back with a gaping mouth in laughter and delight. And then, finally, sound - indescribable. A sound that let me know something big was coming. This was the music video for Rio. Little did I know then, at the age of 3, that this was the music I would take with me for the rest of my life.
Singer Simon Le Bon once said "I feel that we do something which brings people together, makes people feel good about themselves, makes people feel that they're not alone. Making people feel not alone, I feel we're providing a very useful service."
This is what Duran Duran has done for us since 1978.
1538, William Mueller, United States
Innovators in New Wave sound that is still influencing artists. Individually winners of many Best Guitarist/Keyboardist categories in the 1980's. Impact on the development of music videos go without saying. Still performing at a high level. (Live AId, Live 8, Prince's Trust, 2012 Olympics) This is a no-brainer, rock and roll hall of fame!
1639, Efstathia Kalliora, Greece
A band of great signifcance in the music industry! Especially during the 80s DURAN DURAN first gave a lot of emphasis to the videoclips, therefore they have become fashion icons! NOW, they still produce music that everybody can listen, which is blamed on their remarkable quality and rarefied! Thanks for your existance! I really admire you!
1644, Stella Martinez, United States
As a long time fan of Duran Duran I believe the just like all the greats in the hall of rock & roll should be inducted.
The reason is they not only shaped and changed music they helped MTV in its popularity. They help change pop culture and made it so attractive and full of fantasy; I believe their message was safe and also educational. I'm so glad To have grown up in the 80's to the most amazing musicians England has ever imported besides the legendary Beatles. For this, I feel they should be inducted and I hope they get what they deserve:) Viva Duran Duran:)
1705, Nadine Fox, Germany
From "The Chauffeur" to "Leave a light on" - in more than 30 years DD create unstoppable albums that give birth to songs that sound in the soul.
1846, Ana Patricia Fillo, Panama
I became a DD fan as a teenager (around 13) and enjoyed the best music, videos and outfits ever. Collected a huge number of posters, t-shirts, calendars as well as the vinyl records available to me.
My 22 year old daughter has the DD heritage and loves the band. In 2008 I finally got the live DD experience live in San Jose, Costa Rica and few months later in my hometown . I got the chance to meet John in San Jose and my daughter and I met the whole band in Panam! Pictures taken signed t-shirts...what a beautiful memories! Looking forward to the third concert.
They have earned big time their place at The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, decades later still making great music.
2074, Neil Drakeford, United Kingdom
I've loved them since I first saw them in my (and their) home city of Birmingham in 1980. over 100 million records sold, numerous awards and STILL filling arenas around the World today...long overdue
2084, Jennifer Bufe, United States
Unique, influential, envelope pushing, barrier breaking, musically talented, commercially successful, collaborative, etc. What more could the powers that be at the RRHoF want? Duran Duran is the complete package!
2179, Elizabeth Riddel, United States
My parents told me when I was 11 years old (1981) that this band would never last and it seems that they were wrong! I even took my mom to see them in the early 2000's. My 26 yr old metal head son has been busted singing songs off of Rio on more than one occasion. They ABSOLUTELY deserve this honor as one of the trailblazers of Mtv, new romantic music, fashion, and heavy influences on other great bands. Good luck boys!
2302, Tina Thomas, United States
It is total crap to any 90s act got put into the rock 'n' roll Hall of Fame before these guys. They reinvented music video before Michael Jackson made thriller. Rolling Stone is on drugs to not let them in.
2313, Lantz Howse, United States
What's the problem with the committee??
I'm 68 years old & Duran Duran is a very deserving band.
2315, Wendy Hamilton, United States
Duran Duran is the second British wave...the Beatles of the 80's generation. They have been an active recording and touring band for 30 plus years. Simon has written several of their songs. They have influenced music, fashion, movies and popular culture. Their music is important to me and my generation. They deserve to be in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and we, their fans, deserve to see them there.
2318, Bryan Mcquillan, United States
Its way overdue
I love this place in particular, it always has the best and impressive events every year. This venue NYC is the perfect location if you are looking to host the event of a lifetime. The main-level features a large comfortable space.
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